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In addition, Easter is coming up and I thought we could do what we do with every other holiday, big or small. Help me decide which girl should be Jake's bunny! One SFW render will be public and the other NSFW render will be exclusive to Patrons. What do you think about it?

You can vote HERE

Also if you’re wondering how one of the animations is looking - you can check it out on our Twitter - HERE

Sexy MILF Veronica from Race of Life is having sex with Jake - cowgirl
Sexy MILF from Race of Life with red lips before sex
02 stycznia 2024

Development Update - 04.04.2023

Last few weeks I’ve spent mostly on animations. I haven’t done these in a while so it was tough to get used to but after a few days I was back on track. Here are some numbers for you 😄 For now we have over 2100 images and 50 race and sex animations done! In the meantime our beta testing team was working really hard too. They've done a lot of proofreading to Episode 1 and Episode 2 as well. We have also started working on the translation side. At the moment we are preparing the code to work for translators. People with Italian, German, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish and Spanish languages ​​have applied but this doesn’t mean that we are not looking for people who speak one of these languages! If you know any of these or other languages ​​- contact us here or PM Jachu on Discord. The more people who can help translate the text, the better! The translation part hasn't started yet, but I hope that in April it will.

Logo of the best porn game called Race of Life with a neon racing car and text written underneath.

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